Cultivating a Bay Area where every neighborhood experiences the transformative power of mega-sporting events, regardless of whether or not you buy a ticket. 

The BAHC Foundation harnesses the untapped power and culture-shaping influence of mega-sporting events to drive access to community sports programs, create economic and workforce opportunities, and protect the Bay’s natural environment. 

  • Workforce Development

    Leverage the platform of mega-sporting events to build the Bay Area workforce’s capacity to secure family-supporting jobs, and connect local businesses to opportunities across the Bay Area.

    Learn More

  • Sports For All & Sports For Change

    Increase access to sports for youth of all backgrounds and abilities across the nine-counties of the Bay Area, and innovate to bring sports to more communities.

  • Green Communities

    Sustainability is built into the fabric of the Bay Area Host Committee, extending throughout every function of the organization. From the inside out, we work as advocates, organizers and conveners to drive sustainable practices throughout the Bay. 


Your contribution to the BAHC Foundation directly supports our work transforming access to local youth sports programs, creating economic impact and workforce opportunities, and protecting our natural environment. With your help, we can harness the power and culture-shaping influence of the world’s largest sporting events to address the Bay Area’s greatest challenges.

For any community impact related questions, please reach out to